Beyond the face: Meet Chandan

You’ve seen them on the SkyTrain and walked past them at the mall. You’ve sat beside them in bus shelters and spotted them in newspapers… but just who are the people in our 50th Anniversary ad campaign? They’re not models; these are real Douglas students, working hard to achieve their educational and career goals – just like you.

Sometimes the first program you choose just isn’t the right fit. Just ask Chandan Jaraith, aka CJ, an international student who came to Douglas to continue his education in computer science, but after a brief stint taking business classes, ended up in loving Financial Analysis.

CJ completed his Bachelor’s of Engineering in Computer Science back home in India, where he worked as a network engineer, and wanted to further his education abroad.

The pro shot you’ve seen around town.
CJ IRL and in full colour!

He was drawn to Douglas for its wide range of programs, hands-on learning and glowing recommendations from his friends who had already graduated and loved the experience.

“When I decided to study in Canada, I chose Douglas for its reputation and because it offered several computer courses but I decided instead to challenge myself with business classes. Unfortunately, found the subject kind of boring. While trying to decide on a different program, I took a financial analysis course on a whim. It turned out I loved analytics! Now I’m enrolled in the Post-Degree Diploma in Financial Analysis, which I really like.”

Read more: Follow the money: Finance manager turns criminal investigator

What CJ enjoys most about studying at Douglas is the combination of classroom instruction and applied learning, which was quite different from his previous schooling experience.

“When I was studying in India, everything was theoretical. As a result, when I got to Douglas, I was nervous about getting up in front of my class and giving a presentation, because I’d never had to do that before. But the more I practise, the more I appreciate the practical focus of my classes at Douglas. Having to express myself in front of a group of people has helped me build confidence in myself,” says CJ.

Ultimately, CJ wants to become a financial analyst, making business recommendations to an organization based on market trends, the company’s financial status and other factors. To get a head start, CJ is working part-time job as a sales rep at a local cell phone retailer, where his manager is mentoring him on the ins and outs of running a business.

Read more: The Career Boost program helped this Finance student turn his education into a job

“My job is helping me understand how a business works and my manager has been kind enough to show me how the financing of the store is done, how things are purchased, everything! Day by day, I’m learning a bit about finance and the cost to run a business, while applying the skills I’m learning at Douglas and building my resumé.”

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